November 21, 2013

  • I want my money back.

    This is so frustrating I’m finally to a point where I will cease supporting Xanga. I was reviewing an old post, and noticed something that needed changing. A Minor thing, just wanted to hightlight a point to make it stand out more clearly. Easy enough, just copy & paste the color coding (span style=”font-weight: bold; color: rgb(223, 128, 32);”) from one spot in the post to where I wanted the point made better. (I know, I know, HTML coding uses Karats ><, but if I put them in the blog, then what I was trying to show vanishes into the background as coding…. ya know?)

    Only that's not how it worked. When I hit "Save" (or rather "Update") instead of a nice, bright shiny new point made clear, instead I lost ALL previous highlights throughout the entire post. All of them. Now all the HTML reads is (Span) — (/Span) with no actual coding telling it what to do.


    This is it, I've had enough. I want my money back from Xanga and I am through with this place. 3 months now I've been waiting for them to fix this and make it better… and nothing.

    I'm leaving. I don't like WordPress all that much, but at least there I don't have the headache and hassle I have here when it comes to posting my thoughts.

Comments (3)

  • I feel your frustration. This used to be home and now it’s empty.

    • It’s been 3 months now since we’ve heard anything from the XangaTeam, which makes me honestly wonder if they just took our money and abandoned the whole project. I’ve cried “foul” a few times and every time I do someone shows up with an agreement comment… thus I know I’m not the only out out here who’s feeling frustrated — but the real question is “Why isn’t Xanga themselves doing something about it… surely they see the frustration building or surely there are so few bloggers at this point that when someone says ‘XANGA 2.0 SUCKS” as a blog title, it should stand out and they should pounce on it to see what the issues are.” Since nothing like that is happening… yeah, it feels empty, like we’ve been abandoned.

      Thanks for your comment.

  • What you write (above) is exactly what i was going to say: With only a few hundred at best bloggers left, if I were in a position of ownership I’d contact you ASAP to fix the problem or explain and comiserate.
    It didn’t have to be like this. Such a shame. And yes, I’m waiting for the civil suit. It’s not tons of money but still deception and false advertising./ JS, still without a site although it was paid for.

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