October 9, 2013

  • Xanga: A sad & lonely place

    I have three friends who are actively still posting on Xanga. Knight in Croatian Armor, Sonnet Joy & SaintVI all seem to somewhat update their blog, but for the most part, Xanga has become a sad & lonely place. Everything that once made this place so wonderful seems to have evaporated in the change-over.

    That said I have to admit that I started on my first serious topic post today….. over at WordPress. Seems that lately I’m seeing more & more traffic there than I am here, and it’s all on old posts i’d written. Whereas I typically get about 2-3 SPAM comments per day here, I get about 1 regular comment a week over there. It’s actually made me decide that as much as I don’t care for this “blogging format” that Xanga has forced upon us (the whole WordPress bit and all) I do at least care if my thoughts get read. Thus when I went to post up something serious in nature….. I didn’t turn to my PAID FOR blog…. I actually turned to WordPress. Just because people randomly seem to be dropping by and reading what’s being said.

    I do have to say that here….. now…. it’s really hard to tell any more if I have visitors or anything beyond the pesky scammers dropping random fake comments. My last post was either censored by the Xanga team for fostering to much negativity or was wholly avoided by one and all as not worth commenting. The other option might be that there really are crickets chirpping outside my Xanga-window.

    So this new post title — I want to submit it to the Xangateam as a potential moniker. I mean, really, it kinda seems to fit. Xanga: a sad & lonely place.

    It really does have a nice ring to it, don’t you think?

Comments (2)

  • It is SO SAD. I had such high hopes for this new format. I too have a WordPress but no one has ever read/ commented. I guess I don’t know how to market a blog without the community feel (and blogrings, etc) that Xanga used to have. **Whoa! A tumbleweed just rolled by!** I went to the Xanga Team page and saw their comment numbers have dropped too. I went through comments and followed a few people, and that’s how I’m going to have to make new friends here in this new format. With the Xanga Team remaining quiet as long as they have, I can only surmise that they put this 2.0 together and have left us to our own devices.

    • What’s really sad is that I used to have Xanga as my home page, I didn’t mind turning on the computer, booting up Windows Exploder (ugh, I so shudder to think I used to use that web-browser) and welcome seeing what was happening on Xanga for the first thing when I woke up. It was always a great way to keep up on whatever was important in the news —– BECAUSE PEOPLE WERE TALKING ABOUT IT ALREADY.

      That stopped only recently…. there’s been nothing to see.

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